4 Tips to Stay Motivated and Find Happiness at Work
This article offers four approaches designed specifically for hospitality industry staff to improve happiness at work and help make work more fulfilling.

It’s no secret that happiness at work is key to employee retention.

A recent study by Gallup found that people who are disengaged at work are 59% more likely to leave their jobs in the next year. The problem is, what motivates employees will vary from person to person.

So the key is understanding what drives your employees as people rather than simply as employees and finding ways to tap into those motivations.


The two types of motivation: Internal and External.

Internal motivation is important for happiness at work because it is the source of our own happiness in life.

We are more likely to be happy if we are driven by our own interests and desires rather than those of others. When we are internally motivated, we are more engaged in our work and we are more likely to stay with our jobs for the long haul.

External motivators, such as money, on the other hand, can only take you so far.

While these motivators can definitely help to initially get you motivated, they often don’t provide lasting happiness. If you’re working purely for external rewards, you’re likely to be disappointed when you don’t receive them.

They can even be a cause of stress in the long run.

We may feel pressure to please others or meet their expectations, which can detract from our happiness and engagement in our work. Chasing external motivation can also lead to burnout if we are not careful.

So, while external motivation has its place, internal motivation is ultimately more beneficial for prolonged happiness at work. When we are internally motivated, we are happier and more productive employees.


Four tips on cultivating internal motivation and happiness at work.

Setting meaningful goals:

One way is to set goals that are personally meaningful. When your goals are in line with your values and interests, you’ll find it easier to stay motivated. You may also want to think about ways to make your job more interesting.

Take on new challenges, or volunteer for projects that interest you.

Having a positive outlook:

When you focus on the things that are going well, it’s easier to maintain a positive attitude. This can help you stay motivated and engaged in your work, even during difficult times. So don’t forget to take a moment to appreciate all the good things in your life, both at work and at home.

Find common values with your coworkers:

When you share similar values with your coworkers, it can help to strengthen relationships and create a more positive work environment. A supportive team can help to encourage you and give you the feedback you need to continue succeeding.

So if you’re looking for ways to stay motivated at work, try finding coworkers with similar values. You may be surprised at how much difference this makes.

Creating a sense of mastery at work:

When we feel like we are in control of our work and can see ourselves improving over time, we are happier and more engaged in our jobs. This is because a sense of mastery gives us a feeling of autonomy and competence, which are two essential ingredients for happiness.

How can you cultivate a sense of mastery over your work?

One way is to set goals that are challenging but achievable.

When you’re working towards goals that are just out of reach, you’ll find it motivating to see yourself making progress. You may also want to consider learning new skills or taking on new challenges at work to achieve these goals. This will help you feel like you’re constantly growing and improving.

Another way to cultivate a sense of mastery is by tracking your progress. Keep track of the things you’ve accomplished, both big and small. This will give you a sense of satisfaction as you see all that you’ve achieved over time. And finally, remember to celebrate your successes! Acknowledge your hard work with a pat on the back or even a little celebration every now and then.


Happiness at work is a complex issue, and the solutions will vary from person to person and from organisation to organisation.

While external motivators, such as money, can help to keep you get motivated, they often don’t provide lasting happiness. Internal motivation is ultimately more beneficial for happiness at work. When we are internally motivated, we are happier and more productive employees.

There are many ways to cultivate internal motivation, including setting meaningful goals, having a positive outlook, and finding common values with your coworkers. A sense of mastery over one’s work is also essential for happiness at work.

So if you’re looking for ways to personally stay motivated at work, try looking at these areas.

But this leads me to my 5th tip:

If you’re struggling to align your internal motivations and your personal values with your work, perhaps it’s just time to find a new job.

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