Matthew Cameron

About Me

Iā€™m passionate about helping you to build environments where employer and employee both win.

My secret weapon in this field is that my journey to get here was not paved with a clear-cut career plan in HR or L&D. No, it started with me sitting on the edge of my bed on the morning of January 2nd 2019, ready to give up on life altogether.

But that’s precisely what makes me stand out – I’m not just a cookie-cutter employee who’s followed a standard path up the ladder.

In fact, I was once the kind of employee that companies put their systems and support structures in place for, hoping to help me grow and thrive.

Yet somehow, I still managed to slip through the cracks.

Despite everything, I managed to get back up and find my way to where I am today. And that’s why I’m confident that I’ll continue to excel and make an impact like no one else in this field.

I’ve experienced first-hand the devastating impact that a negative work environment can have on an individual.

It was a journey that led me from a dedicated employee to rock bottom, but through self-discovery and research, I now have the tools to help businesses prioritize their employees’ well-being and retention.

It’s not about flashy perks or grand gestures; it’s about creating a culture that fosters happiness, motivation, and productivity.

With 17 years under my belt leading teams in the dynamic hospitality industry, I’ve seen first-hand the challenges that arise when it comes to supporting and retaining top talent.

It can be tough in an industry that often lacks the resources to provide the benefits and work-life balance that employees deserve.

As an expert in retention, paired with a wealth of experience in hospitality recruitment, I offer a holistic understanding of the employee journey.

This allows me to craft a bespoke talent management strategy that will attract and retain the very best candidates in the industry.


What I Do

I’m a specialist in improving retention, developing TRUE work-life balances, improving happiness at work and improving engagement of teams.


The Science of Happiness at Work – The University of California, Berkeley

Mental Health First Aid Champion – Mental Health First Aid England


Talent & Value Audits

I help you to gain an extensive view of your team’s strengths, weaknesses & opportunities.



I help your teams to workshop solutions and find momentum in their people-challenges.



I provide insight and assistance on people, wellness & productivity strategies.

I am an expert in improving


I’m an expert in reducing the impact of employee turnover and how to best understand the internal motivations that influence whether an employee will stay or go in your company.

Using my expertise in retention and experience in recruitment, I understand how to optimise your people and retention strategy.

Happiness at Work

Building environments that inspire happiness at work not only improves engagement but reduces the risk of work contributing to ill mental health.

It’s key to interrupting cycles that start small but snowball over time and then drive unhappiness at work.

TRUE Work-Life Balances

Effective work-life balances are key to retention, performance and engagement strategies, but most approaches primarily focus on supporting the life side of the equation.

It’s impossible to build a healthy work-life balance, without a healthy work life. Improve the work, improve their life.

Leadership Self-Care

It’s crucial that leaders themselves are operating in a state of mind as they also shape the experience for the rest of their team.

As someone who has been on the journey of self-development as a leader, I recognize the importance of continuously improving one’s environment to better serve and inspire those around us.

Let’s Work Together

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